How To Minimize App On Mac

  1. How To Minimize Apps On Mac
  2. How To Minimize App On Mac Computer
  3. How To Minimize Mac Screen

This Mac tip is provided by Mark Greentree and was originally posted on Mark’s blog – Everyday Mac Support. For more of Mark’s tips visit his site, follow him on Twitter, or browse his archive of posts here.

How to: Minimize And Hide Applications And Windows

When the app is in windowed mode, and the user clicks the yellow Minimize button, the main application window minimizes into the Dock, and then immediately becomes unminimized. Issue 2 Here is how we found this bug: When the app goes in windowed mode from full screen mode, and the user clicks the green Zoom button, nothing occurs. Minimizing apps to the right edge of the dock is fine, but it can quickly become crowded with minimized windows. To make applications minimize to their Dock icon, first open System Preferences and click “Dock”. On the Dock preferences, check the box next to “Minimize windows into application icon”.

Did you know you can minimise or hide any window or application you currently have open? In this tip we will take a look at these basic but important controls specifically aiming it towards new users of the Mac.

Using minmize and hide gives users even greater control over their applications and windows. Minimising and hiding is particularly important for users with smaller displays.

How to lower volume of app on mac

We will first take a look at the minimise functionality. Minimize is the ability to take an open application window and hide it within the applications icon in the Dock. When you perform the keyboard shortcut Command + M you will notice the current open and front most window in the application will recede into the associated Dock icon. You will also note the application remains opens allowing you to open or create new documents.

If you have multiple windows open in an application such as Safari then only the active window in front of the other windows will minimise. This thereby allows you to continue working within the other open windows that are located in the background.

Instead of using the keyboard command for minimizing you can also navigate to Window > Minimize from the Menu Bar.

Additionally you can also achieve the same result by clicking the round orange button located at the top right of your window. You will notice when you roll the mouse over this area you will see the (-) sign within the button.

In order to continue working in the window you have just minimized simply click on the application icon in the dock and it will reappear. If you have more than one window open in that application you will need to click hold down your mouse button (or right click) in order to bring up a view of the windows you currently have open so you can select the one you wish to work in.

Next we have the hide functionality. Hide is the ability to hide all open windows from view on your Mac’s display. It will also hide the application from view and another non hidden application or the Finder will take its place.

To hide an application and all open associated windows simply press Command + H, or navigate to Safari > Hide Safari from the Menu Bar. Each application will have its specific name listed. Within the same Menu Bar area you can also select Hide Others. Selecting Hide Others will immediately hide all other open applications on your Mac. The keyboard shortcut for Hide Others is Option + Command + H.

When you wish to unhide (by clicking the application icon in the Dock) all windows associated to that specific application will reappear on your Mac. This differs from the approach of minimize where you are bringing back a single window at a time.

Q. How do I quickly minimize all runnings apps/windows and show the Mac OSX desktop?!

How To Minimize Apps On Mac

A. The best way I know of is to press the F11 key (or Fn+F11 on some MacBook keyboards…) this should push all your apps out of the way and show the desktop. To get your apps back in place, just press F11 again!

PS another method is to command+option+click on the desktop, (or instead of Desktop, a Finder window, or the Finder icon in the dock). I personally don’t like this method as well as F11…


I hope this helps!

How to minimize app on mac

More tips:

How To Minimize App On Mac Computer

OS 10.4 – Minimize All Windows – Mac-Forums.com, What is the best way to minimize all windows, not close them to quickly get to the desktop? Thanks for your time!


How To Minimize Mac Screen

To minimise all windows of the app in focus, press Command + Option + M

Otherwise, a better option is to press Command+H which will hide the application. That way, you don’t have to bring up each window from the dock

Of course, for quick access to the desktop, nothing beats the F11 key. Actually, there is. You can set one of your corners to “Show Desktop” in the dashboard and Expose preference and then with the flick of a mouse, you can access your desktop.

Do you have an alternative tip or suggestion? Let me know by commenting!