Todo Mac App Microsoft

References: & engadget Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Pinterest Microsft To-do for Mac was recently released by the tech giant and will allow Apple users to access the task management tools on their desktop. Microsoft's To-Do is now available for Mac. Here are the details about the free task tracking app, including which functions have not been ported to the Mac version yet.


“Appigo Todo oozes with awesomeness” - Macworld, 4.5 stars


Power Personal Productivity

All the functionality you’d expect in a
to-do list and task management app



Productivity Everywhere

Sync across all your devices
Access additional features

For Business


Power Business Productivity

Auto-share team lists

Todo Cloud is built with proven “Getting Things Done” and Franklin Covey concepts in mind. With intuitive and powerful features that help you organize, visualize and prioritize your to-dos, keeping yourself on task and focused on what’s most important is easier than ever.

Todo Cloud keeps you in control of everything you need to – well – do! Todo Cloud makes it easy for you to enter and track to-dos and gives you the ability to visualize and prioritize what you need to get done. Getting your work in line and in order has never been easier.

Todo Cloud keeps you on task by helping you see what’s most important and gives you tools (like built-in or custom alerts and reminders) that help you plan how to get things done. And if you’re part of a team, Todo Cloud’s collaboration features make it easier for you to win together.

From talking to enter (“Remind me to buy milk”) to geotagging your to-dos (to alert you when you’re near the store), being productive has never been cooler. And with Todo Cloud you can sync across devices, share lists with others and have more fun with all the time you’ll free up.

Sync Across Devices

Todo Cloud syncs your tasks and lists so that you can have the same information on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Android device. It also has a Web interface.

Todo at a Glance

Quick Menu

Add, organize and plan your to-dos (e.g. due dates, priority, reminders, etc.), with simple gestures and from one view.

Powerful Search

View to-dos based on attributes like due dates, tags, who they’re assigned to and more.

Date Filtering

View to-dos by due dates and assign/adjust start and due dates based on priority and workloads.

Task Editing

Deep control of to-do attributes – everything from a to-do’s priority to setting as many reminders as you want.

GTD Methodology

Built with “Getting Things Done” principles in mind, Todo Cloud keeps you focused on what’s most important.

Alerts and Reminders

Stay on task with reminders and alerts based on due date (May 2nd), time (2:00) and location (when I get home).

Today View

View your day with a quick summary of today’s to-dos, without unlocking your phone.

Todo in Teams

Collaborate in teams – friends, couples, organizations, businesses, squadrons, etc. – Todo Cloud doesn’t discriminate.

Todo Everywhere

Sync and track to-dos across all your devices. Todo Cloud supports iPhone, Mac, Web, Android and Apple Watch.

When Wunderlist became part of the Microsoft family, our mission was to bring the delightful, simple, and elegant daily task experience and build it into Microsoft’s intelligent, interconnected, and security-centric ecosystem to create a new app—Microsoft To Do. Today, we’re unveiling the new version of To Do, which includes a fresh new design, access from wherever you are, and more integration with Microsoft apps and services.

A journey worth taking

It’s been an exciting journey since we announced To Do. From shared-list task assignments, list groups, and file attachments, to the Mac app and even more product integrations, we took your feedback and created the app you wanted. We’re grateful for your input and the support of both our Wunderlist and To Do communities. We’ve come a long way since those first Wunderlist days and today is one more step in our evolution. Let’s take a closer look at To Do.


A fresh new feel

We polished the design of To Do by reducing the header size and adding in more color to give the app warmth and personalization. It’s still the simple and elegant app you love, but now with more options to customize, so you can tailor it to suit yourself and your lists. With the new version of To Do, you can choose from a wide range of backgrounds, including the beloved Berlin TV tower that was a feature in Wunderlist. In addition, you can choose a different background for every list.

Want to give your eyes a rest? To Do has dark mode across Android, Windows, Mac, and coming soon to iOS. It’s not just about the backgrounds, though. We freshened up the look of To Do, so it feels simple, yet modern.

Shareable link.

Your smart daily planner

Like Wunderlist, we have smart lists where you can see your planned or important tasks in one list. But what makes To Do unique is the personalized daily planner feature, My Day. It helps you accomplish what’s meaningful and important to you every day. Smart suggestions in My Day help you plan what you need to accomplish that day. And tomorrow? My Day will refresh, so you can start the day with a blank slate. Any tasks you didn’t complete will be waiting for you in suggestions.

Access your lists wherever you are

To Do is available and syncs across all platforms, including Mac, iOS, Android, Windows, and the web. Now, wherever you are, you can take your lists with you. Commuting to work? Plan your day on your phone so you start work ready to check off all those tasks. And if you’re on Windows or Android, you can toggle between your work and personal accounts. As you head out the office in the evening, you can leave your work lists behind, and open up your grocery list or see what’s in store for movie night on your personal account.

Part of the Microsoft family

With To Do, we’re on a mission to bring everything you need to do—from anywhere tasks appear in your favorite Microsoft 365 apps and services—into one centralized view. Flag messages you need to follow up on and see them in the Flagged Email list (with Microsoft work or school accounts or Microsoft-hosted email accounts like Outlook, Hotmail, or Live). The Assigned to Me list shows you the tasks assigned to you in your shared lists and those from Microsoft Planner. From there you can add them to My Day to give you a holistic view of what you need to do today. But that’s not all—with our Cortana integration, you can also add tasks from your Amazon Echo.* Love Microsoft Launcher on Android? Guess what! To Do is integrated there too.

Security is top of mind

Security is paramount to us and you’ll be pleased to know that we made your data security a priority in To Do. Microsoft’s comprehensive approach to security helps protect your data wherever it may be. With To Do, you can set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to help make sure your lists are secured.

Get started today!

Now’s the best time to dive in and give To Do a try. We believe that once you do, you’ll love it! To help the process, we made moving your lists and tasks as easy as possible. It’s a snap to import your lists into To Do, so go ahead and click or tap the Download To Do button to get started.

Microsoft To Do

Your day in focus.

Download To Do

If you don’t already have a Microsoft account, you can register with your existing email address (for example, Gmail). As soon as you sign in, the option to import your tasks from Wunderlist is displayed, or you can find it in Settings. Just start importing and you’ll be ready to get started with To Do.

Todo Mac App Microsoft Office 365 Login

Learn more about the migration experience.

Final thoughts

Microsoft Todo Iphone

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to youour Wunderlist and To Do fans. We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas on what you think would make To Do even better, so please keep the feedback coming via Twitter and Facebook. We wouldn’t have gotten here without you, and we look forward to continuing this journey together!

Microsoft Todo Mac App

*Cortana integration is available in English and the following regions: Australia, India, U.S., and U.K. The Cortana skill is still in Preview, so it’s currently only available in U.S. English with personal Microsoft accounts.